Saturday, September 26, 2009

Day 210

a nondescript day today....but a lovely evening out with meg's and her mum for a yummy euro-asian dinner.  am liking meg's trying to see what the photo looks like on the back of the camera, and therefore she appears well in truly in the photo, thanx to the lovely window reflection.
daylight saving starts tonight...glad i don't have to get up at any particular time tomorrow, but do monday....ouch?!


About This Blog

365 days has been around for ever (it's probably older than me even). i have resisted the temptation to do one, until now.
i am the photographic artist in residence at christchurch polytechnic, new zealand, this year. a friend decided she was going to do a 365 days, and conned me into doing it too. I figured it would be a great project for the year, and a great way to remember the year. to make it a little more challenging, i decided to take self-portrait each day.
so here goes

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