Day 114
really an uneventful day. monday's are like that. beginning of the week, dragging the heels, not wanting the weekend to end, most people do hate monday's. i never used to have an issue with monday's, i guess that was coz many moons ago i liked my job and what i was doing. these day's, it's not that i dislike it, i just like my weekends more, ha!
my flatmate walked in just after dark, and announced she here car was dead, and had just walked home from the doctor's - in boots - mad girl. so boy and i took her back down the rd and jump started her car for her. i have a bit of a phobia of jumper leads....coz in my head positive goes to negative and vice versa....not so with jumper leads as we all know. i learnt the hard way when i burnt my hand, and managed to take a chip out of my mother's gold wedding ring, due to the heat, not so cool.
i got over my fear tho - with a few jumps(me that is) and got meg's car started first wasn't the battery it turns out....was the alternator - stink!
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