Thursday, October 15, 2009

Day 229

popped along to the model auditions for 'pitch' tonight and snapped a few shots.  pitch is the end of year fashion show for the students at the cpit fashion school.  the third years show a collection of work, and have to source their own models, where as the first and second years, show pieces from a range of genre's and get their models from these auditions.  this year was the largest turn out ever with over 150 models(from memory), pre-registering.  it was interesting, to say the least.


About This Blog

365 days has been around for ever (it's probably older than me even). i have resisted the temptation to do one, until now.
i am the photographic artist in residence at christchurch polytechnic, new zealand, this year. a friend decided she was going to do a 365 days, and conned me into doing it too. I figured it would be a great project for the year, and a great way to remember the year. to make it a little more challenging, i decided to take self-portrait each day.
so here goes

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