'life is short', 'make the most of life', 'life is what you make of it', 'live every day as if it were your last, because one of these days you will be right'......such cliched quotes that we hear over and over again. each to be taken with a grain of salt, or rather not at face value. all our lives are lived the way we want them to be lived(most of the time). at least in this country, we generally have the ability to make our own decisions which shape out lives.
today i received a text, that then created the utterance of many of these quotes. one of the guys from school(tech) had a brain aneurysm last nite, and the scenario was not good, he was unresponsive, so basically braindead. i received news later in the day that he had been pronounced dead. he was 24.
death is so often a reminder to us that we need to treasure every moment of every day or value those around us, not think there will always be a next time, make the most of every day and so on. I have been thru death many times now, and i still do not do things any differently than i may have otherwise. i am unmotivated. i pass by opportunities continually. i rarely make anything of a day....it's all just ordinary. but that is what life is for a lot of people, just ordinary. but also, for many of them, they are happy that way. that is the point of life, isn't it, to be happy, to enjoy doing what you are doing each and every day, or is that just another cliche? i guess we don't ever now the true meaning of life, but if we are happy while living it, that's got to be a good start right?
it's definitely something i am guilty of not being, but something i very certain of that our friend was!
i found a few quotes today when searching for some 'life' quotes'......

the life we lead must be worth living
So much of our time is preparation, so much is routine, and so much retrospect, that the path of each man's genius contracts itself to a very few hours.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome.
Booker T. Washington