Day 68
time passes too quickly as you age. events that happened years ago, seemingly only feel like yesterday.
today i caught up with my great mate cat who i met on the first year of my photog course. she left at the end of the first year after being offered a job at a newspaper. and so she was off, to follow her dream of being a photojournalist. cat is a go-getter. she knows what she wants and she goes & gets!!! i wish i could have been like that at 20! 33 and still not quite sure.
i visited cat in her home town at the end of 07, but it wasn't until today that i actually realised it was that long only seems like six months ago. it was like that when i went to visit my great friend amanda earlier this year and realised it had been over two years since i had seen her.
physically seeing and catching up with people really becomes harder as you all 'grow-up' and move around the world/ country to play house :D
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