Day 83
today i spent pretty much the entire day in bed. it hasn't stopped raining since we got back from akl, well since tues lunchtime. when it rains down here it's generally cold! this week it has been wet and cold! ugh...over it.
of course i can still be productive while in bed - the joys of the modern world and technology. laptops, wireless and the like. gotta love it. so i can stay in bed and work(of course that is what i am doing) all day. internet much stuff out there.
i did have to get up tonite and catch up with a friend that i haven't seen in close to six months, sheesh the time flies. i even managed to pull out my fav silk shirt dress i haven't been able to fit for a while and thrown it on. all this lack of fat must be doing something ....hmmm...not quite convinced about that!
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