Day 26
tonite i found myself, as i do most thursday nite's, down on my hands and knees. quite the opposite to how i started my day, flat on my back.
ok i should explain, otherwise it really does sound like i am a prostitute.
first thing today i had my mri to sus out my pancreas. definately not something i'd want to go through every day. i knew you go into a small space, but that small!!! no way. eye's stayed shut the, entire, time otherwise i knew i would totally freak out. to make matter's worse, you get to listen to music, and i asked them to put kiwi fm on...told them the approximate frequency. well they couldn't find it, instead i got nuie fm, beats of the my least favourite kind of music. to top things off, towards the end of the scan, they had to inject a dye into me. they had put the lure in prior to the scan starting, so i had a needle in my arm through the entire scan.....pain. the magnetic rays played havoc with it. again, so glad i don't have to go thru that every day.
so down to my hands and knees. thursday nite's i clean/babysit. i really didn't have the energy to go tonite, but i managed to get myself out the front door and there.....oh the joys. tbh, it isn't that bad. it's only a small house, and i have ben looking after caitlyn for two years now, so it's all good. they have recently acquired a new addition to the family, barkley, a choc lab/german pointer x. he is very cute, and puppylike...currently at the biting stage. but this creates more hands and knees time, cleaning everything at his level that is covered in muddy paw prints.
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