Day 9
there are not enough hours in the day, i swear. that, or the time-stealing monster has been sneakily stealing them from under my nose, coz the minutes seem to disappear at a very fast rate. i had a list again today, more of a mental list of things i wanted to achieve....i managed one of them. one, just considering i only worked two hours of the day, where the rest of them went....sheesh....ok this was my day
0640 - cat headbutts me awake demanding to be fed
0700 - finally get up to stop the incessant headbutting and feed cat
0705 - get back into bed and do my internet browsing
0745 - get up, make coffee, pour cereal - get back into bed
0800 - have shower, get dressed and all that other boring stuff that comes with it
0830 - leave to walk to(yes walk) to work
0900 - arrive at work and work
1100 - leave work, walk home, via the library
1200 - arrive home, have lunch, internet browsing
1250 - leave to meet a third year BDes student who is interviewing me for her current assignment
1415 - finish interview go have a peak in ricochet
1500 - ok it was a bit more than a peak - but i didn't buy anything (this time)
1505 - walk down to school
1515 - go see andrew(he's the lovely photog technician), discuss some things
1545 - go to see alan (he's the lovely mac technician) and try to sort out my network access
1600 - go to see i.t as i don't have any access apparently
1605 - go see hubert(he's the head of the design school) because apparently, he, needs to sign off to get my back onto the 'system'
1620 - yeah, ok so we got talking, head back to photog dept, run into john(he's my mentor) have a bit of a chat,
1635 - finally get back upstairs to see andrew and get my printing sorted
1650 - stop and talk to inez(she is a photog tutor) and discuss some ideas about what i may possibly do this year, and a general discussion
1710 - head back to my car
1720 - drive home
1730 - get home (10 flippen minutes!!!!! rush hour man) chat to megs(my flatmate)
1740 - watch home and away (yeah yeah)
1800 - cook dinner, watch news, browse internet, watch campbell live
1930 - move into my room to 'read' manual - but get sidetracked with friends online
2000 - friend calls - we chat
2025 - finally get the manual i, really, need to read....and somewhat take in
2100 - take photo for blog
2110 - edit photo for blog, read some more manual
2145 - start wrting this, chat to callum(who has a snotty nose)
2211 - now
soooooooo....the only thing i achieved today, besides work and the iv, was getting the printing to andrew - just takes time, dang
so yeah - should be reading this manual - so better get back to it
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