Day 8
wow - managed to get to day 8 already. i have to say, this having to take a photo every day isn't so easy. of course i did have to stipulate that they would be sp's...oh well....onwards
today was a crap day. it was fueled partly by yesterday's pretty average day....and then by having to spend another gorgeous day inside at work. actually i think i'm just really tired. but whatever it is it's not cool. i was just about in tears driving to work this morning (no reason, just was). was worried sick at work - again no reason, just was. working day finally finished and i could head home to do some chores, but no - i had no energy.
as it was such a goregous day i was going to head up the port hills to do a photo for today's blog at all my stuff packed, headed out the door (almost forgot to lock the back door, whoops) shut the front door and was like, i'm forgetting something. yup, my keys! s*$%, f&^@, b*^%#r!!!! so damn annoying. flatmate had just gone out so knew she wouldn't be home for a did my photo for the day. then headed down the road to the park to snap a couple of other shots. the wind changed just before sunset to a southery and so i wasn't that keen to hang around outside waiting for meg's. i never thought i would say this, but, thank god for mcdee's at the end of my road. one hot chocolate later and i suddenly think, did i close meg's bedroom window. could i actually have been inside this whole time. race back down the road and there is some random guy, with his two random puppies sitting on the grass verge outside our place.....eek. window not open, dang....more waiting in the cold. wasn't too bad...only another 20mins..but boy i am so ready for sleep now.
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