Thursday, April 9, 2009

Day 40

i got some fantastic news today. my very good american friend from the past two years at tech, jonathan, told me he is coming 'home'. i'm soooooo excited. jo is just so much fun. he made school life extremely interesting.
half way thru our first year he brought a van, and then proceeded to live in it....seriously! he had some extremely ingenious ways to ensure watering, feeding and washing wasn't a 'kit-out' van.
besides his interesting abode, he always ensured that there was plenty of fun and hysterics continually occurring at school such as this. i'm still not sure i have fully recovered from that nite.
jonathan, also, took any chance to get his shirt off and 'fly' the american &/or the arkanas flag!!
basically, jo is just a shitload of fun and september can't come soon enough!!


Anonymous,  April 10, 2009 at 11:38 PM  

oh I knew it! I knew he'll be back. I hope he get a flat at least this time.

About This Blog

365 days has been around for ever (it's probably older than me even). i have resisted the temptation to do one, until now.
i am the photographic artist in residence at christchurch polytechnic, new zealand, this year. a friend decided she was going to do a 365 days, and conned me into doing it too. I figured it would be a great project for the year, and a great way to remember the year. to make it a little more challenging, i decided to take self-portrait each day.
so here goes

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