Day 61
so exhausted today. i'm not sure if it's the weather which has taken a downward turn, or if i just haven't been getting enough zzzz. even the sugar hasn't been keeping me fired up! flippen furkids have been rather nocturnal of late. doesn't help that they keep bringing uninvited guests into the house to play, or rather one guest.
the next door neighbour got a ginga' kitten a few months ago, which means we need to keep a water pistol, fully watered in the kitchen at all times to defend our (pathetic) cats food. seriously, they just sit there and stare at him when he comes thru the cat door.
a few weeks ago i came home to find him and terry(meg's cat) curled up together asleep on my bed.....i mean com'on guys!
well last nite meg's awoke to terry scratching to get out of her room. she got up, let him out and went back to sleep...only to be woken a few minutes later by more scratching. terry can push the door open so she was a little confused...turned the light on and who should be in her room, but ginga'!!! guessing he had been taking another siesta!
i was awoken early this morning to bedlam coming from the up...apparently it was playtime....three bloody cats chasing each other all over the furniture!
so i am tired.... cat door will be locked from inside tonite me thinks
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